The story begins in 1989 with the installation of Vera and Hugues Saint Guilhem at 64 rue Escudier in the house located at the bottom of the plot.
In the months that followed, they acquired the main building at 64, originally composed of small apartments on a basement of cellars.
It was at this moment that the crazy idea emerged...
After a year of work which allowed, among other things, to enhance the brick facades, to create the English courtyard and to have 14 hotel units, Vera welcomed her first client on a beautiful summer day in 1991.
A few months later, by chance, a classified advertisement in the Figaro newspaper led to the purchase of the pavilion located on the neighboring plot of land at 62 rue Escudier. The two plots of 62/64 were then joined together, and access to the pavilion through the garden of 64 was created. The hotel complex was then increased to 18 units with an enlarged garden.